The Mystical Corridor of Demijohn Delights

Our first time of exhibiting at the Living North Christmas Fair, came with the distinctly difficult trial of finding a position to put us. The Food Marquee was full, as was the warm Food Hall with its heart warming Christmas jingles oozing from its doors in sound waves of treacle glistening from a warm, homely fudge-cake... So where was the Christmas marvel that is Demijohn going to fit?

And much like the fourteenth winter coat, the twenty fourth pair of shoes and that hat that you use all the time, (so that it is never worth putting away) we were put into 'the corridor' And what a truly winning and enchanting spot it was. Demijohn turned an ordinary looking corridor into something special and enchanting!

The wind howling outside, running past the entrance like an invisible icy hair drier, blowing all hairstyles horizontal on leaving - we felt like the outside was Narnia and we were the wardrobe! In this wonderfully fictitious world, Demijohn was the equivalent of Mr. Tumnus' cup of tea ... A pleasant stop you never intended taking, to then discover you had been enjoying the delights for a whole afternoon ... Enticed by the hypnotic colours of our Raspberry Vodka and Seville Orange Gin liqueurs and occasionally being entertained by the singing and dancing of myself and Vikki.

Then, the Ice Queen came, freezing the olive oil, the hands, the bottles and even threatening to dampen and oppress our feelings of joy! But NO! Fuelled by the sunny warmth of Bramble Scotch Whisky Liqueur, the folk of Demijarnia left the stand with more smiles than before, some with a lighter wallet and happier heart; and some, having to leave the corridor (the gateway to another world) even doubting whether the delights of Demijarnia even existed! For if you were to go back to that place, all you would find is an ordinary looking corridor, with ordinary looking lights in an ordinary looking building...

Thank you all for your support at Newcastle and I am very much looking forward seeing more of you at York this week!
