Cocktail Recipes

Lemon Weegie
Inspiration for our Lemon Weegie Cocktail came from the need to celebrate the Glasgow Commenwealth Games in July 2014 with a suitable drink. It is a refreshingly simple, long cocktail drink with a gentle surprise in its tail. You might...
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Hold your Horses
First created during a fantastically hot week while we exhibited at Badminton Horse Trials in early May 2016, our Hold your Horses Cocktail is aptly named. Our smooth Rhubarb Liqueur combines with our zesty Grapefruitcello and the zing of our...
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Elderflower Vodka Cooler
It may look simple, but this drink has the ability to turn spring into Summer, even in Scotland. So, break out your BBQ and head for the garden as our Elderflower Cooler cocktail will start your party with refreshing style!...
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