Food Recipes
Atholl Brose was traditionally drunk on Burns Night in Scotland and used to sort the men from the boys! This variation of the traditionally recipe retains the oatmeal to make a cranachan type pudding to be enjoyed by all. Ingredients...
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This recipe has been kindly sent to us by Angela Wilson in response to our call for recipes using our products. Angela has been rewarded with a £30 demijohn gift voucher as a thank you for this wonderful recipe. Ingredients...
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I had an experimental evening last night with duck breasts and a discovered remnant of Demijohn Sloe Gin 25%, a leftover from a very energetic massed sledging outing only a couple of months ago. The verdict: a success, improved with...
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As the blossom is now exuberantly blossoming outside Demijohn HQ it is a delight to bump into the occasional bumble bee during my increasingly frequent forays into the garden. I hope soon to start encountering a honey bee too and...
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