Get ready for the CLA Game Fair 2013

Two years since our frivolities at the CLA game fair at Blenheim palace and the memory of it is still as crystal clear as a bottle of our 50% Demijohnnie Gin!
This game fair, two years ago, was shortly after the momentous occasion that myself and the legend that is Tim Fox in the York shop invented our best selling cocktail; the Bloody Pirate! Something so simple (Raspberry Vodka Liqueur mixed with the Spiced Rum Liqueur) was selling faster than a firework on a roller skate and this was no different when we brought it to the CLA game fair!
At the CLA, once the queues have vanished, the selling dies down, the sun has slipped away, you would think it was the end of the day... But no! This is when the exhibitors come out to play!
Armed with a bottle of Bloody Pirate, sat around a camp fire, where the food is delicious and the champagne and banter are both bubbling with viscosity, a new drink was born... The Bloody Pirate 'happened' to find itself mixed with the champagne, such things are inevitable and no name could be found for this delightfully downable drink.
It was not until the following morning, when the Demijohn Staff were not the only exhibitors blinking in the sunlight, speaking with a rasp harshness of tone, in a happy but fuzzy haze, that the drink was aptly re-named the 'Bloody Disaster'!