The Wild Wild West ... Wales
Pembrokeshire County Show
In the sleepy, calm and beautiful county of Pembrokeshire in South Wales, I was looking forward to a slightly more laid back show. The main motive for which was I wanted to buy a hat, you know; the type of all weather, no-nonsense, ‘make you like John Wayne’ Hat! I was all set up in plenty of time, I had met me lovely neighbours from ‘Pembrokeshire Produce’, scouted out several hats in the running for my new head accessory… then the doors opened!
My Uncle, who lives locally, suddenly (as well as being my host for the 3 days) became the animated salesman. Handing out tasters as if they were the miracle cure, feeling as though everyone not only should want the beautiful Gooseberry Gin, but needed it… and lots of it too!
Orders were flying in, my wrapping was not fast enough, and beads of perspiration started to form, but then, suddenly, back up arrived. It came in the form of three wonderful, energetic and vibrant lady friends of my Uncle (the regular welsh Casanova), passing tasters this way and that, ensuring anyone in the vicinity had tried at least one liqueur. They were more jolly, less lethal and more moral forms of Demijohn’s very own crusaders. If you were not into alcohol, that was OK, but you would have to try the Elderflower Vinegar (as a result, this sold out on day 2)!
We even got involved with the most wonderful sisters selling Chocolate, hand made by them (Oh Sugarplum), and of course, in regular Demijohn style, just had to try every liqueur with every chocolate, in every combination… Morello Cherry Brandy and Dark chocolate Truffle… Enough said!!!
Oh… and I never got my hat!