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Being married myself for 18 months (and not regretting it yet!), suddenly I find myself doing wedding shows across the UK. Not from a panicked 'It's happening in a month and we have no dress, no rings, no vicar... NO...
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Pembrokeshire County Show In the sleepy, calm and beautiful county of Pembrokeshire in South Wales, I was looking forward to a slightly more laid back show. The main motive for which was I wanted to buy a hat, you know;...
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More than flowers at RHS Tatton Park
When you have the perfect garden - all of your Bluebeard Shrubs are perfectly pruned, your Carolina Allspice is, as it does every year, putting your neighbour's generic (and if I may say so slightly browned) Hydrangeas, to shame; there...
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The Norfolk Delights
In the ever-turning energetic whirlpool of life that is Demijohn's Events Manager, you learn very quickly to go where the current takes you! Such was our first insight into the wonderful Royal Norfolk Show. After a lovely phone call at...
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