Celebrate Burns Night with a Wee Dram

Celebrate Burns Night with a Wee Dram...
"O thou, my muse! guid auld Scotch drink!
Whether thro' wimplin worms thou jink,
Or, richly brown, ream owre the brink,
In glorious faem,
Inspire me, till I lisp an' wink,
To sing thy name!"
As you may well be aware, Demijohn started over 10 years ago on Victoria Street in Edinburgh. And ever since staff have been following the owners Angus and Frances Ferguson ceilidh dancing, whisky drinking, haggis eating, cooking Rabbie Burns night recipes, even a bit of original poetry reading... and many other Burns Night Traditions!
We have, in the last 5 years taken our Scottish ways down to England when opening our York and, last year, our Oxford shop. We have decorated them with Burns poems written on bottles, our produce from Inverness, Glasgow, East Lothian, Comrie and Dalmeny, and even the odd bit of Bag piping here and there!
If you would like to celebrate with some of our Scottish produce, get yourself the Scottish rack and have a dram with us! Included in this rack we have the best selling Rhubarb Vodka from Inverness, drop it in a little Prosecco for some really joyous effervescence!
We have our wonderful retired PE teachers from East Lothian, Robin and Derry Ford making our Bramble Scotch Whisky Liqueur (my favourite), Gooseberry Gin Liqueur and Raspberry Vodka Liqueur. And to crown the selection with the king of liqueurs, the Spiced Rum Liqueur made not too far from Glasgow by Roy and Penny Lewis.
... now if Robbie Burns Supper to you means just a fairly large tipple of Liquid Sunshine, also known as whisky. Demijohn has just the thing for that too, take a look at our latest whisky blogs or sign up to one of our Burns Night Tastings on Thurs 22 Jan 2015 and try some of our whisky first hand.