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It’s great British Martini time this May as Demijohn launch the only Dry British Vermouth produced in Scotland. As the key ingredient for the classic Dry Martini cocktail, Demijohn are delighted to introduce this one to their shelves on the...
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How about treating your Dad to a spot of camping this Father’s Day? To make it far more enjoyable artisan drinks specialists Demijohn have brought out the Glamping Goody Bag which is a really special Father’s Day gift. Created by...
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It’s party time on Little Clarendon Street as it hosts its second street party. Following the incredible success of last year’s event when hundreds of people turned out, the local traders have got together to organise a bigger and better...
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Children shouldn’t have all the fun at Easter, us adults should also indulge ourselves in a something a bit chocolatey and delicious – and with a bit of a kick! Demijohn’s Chocolate Orange with a Difference, full of delicious Chocolate...
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Gin has long been nicknamed ‘Mother’s Ruin’ but at Demijohn we think it is the best present for Mother’s Day on 26 March. We’ve even created a special Mother’s Day gift set – the Mini Yummy Mummy Rack. Demijohn’s Mini...
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