Cocktail Recipes

The Tilting Bucket Cocktail is a short, dark, strong drink that combines our intense Coffee Liqueur 25% with our popular, marmaldy Seville Orange Gin 26%. If you like your cocktails to have a cheeky kick in the pants, this...
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Fresh and zesty, this long refreshing citrus mocktail can put a spring in everyones step without the units of alcohol. What a treat! Using our handmade Lime & Chilli Cordial, the Fiery Mojito Mocktail is wonderfully quick and easy to...
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The Summer of 2020 has been hot at times, and unusually dry here in South West Scotland. So hot in fact that we have been constantly thinking up new thirst quenching alcohol free Mocktails to drink, like our really simple...
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We love to experiment with new tastes and sometimes cocktail inspiration strikes unexpectedly, often as a result of a new product arriving at a particular moment. And so was the case with the creation of this fantastically fresh and drinkable...
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The Elgin Espresso Martini Cocktail is a rum based cocktail, and is our version of the hugely popular Espresso Martini. It combines our sweet, dark and strong Coffee Liqueur 25%, our irresistible Butterscotch Cream Liqueur 17% (in the place...
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