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Mother’s Day is the most important celebration of the year, at least according to our mothers that is. However, many people don’t know much in relation to this occasion. Therefore, we at Team Demijohn have researched some of our favourite...
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Mother's Day is steadily approaching, which means it is the perfect time to start thinking about the best Mother's Day gifts. The thought of homemade Mother's Day gifts can be daunting as I'm sure you want to get her a...
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Right, this year I really need to get my Ma a Mothers Day gift that she'll love. After all she needs a worthy reward for all those years of pulling on the mask of delight as she was handed the...
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Love is in the air at Demijohn! We have been thinking of the perfect time to get a gift for your partner and that time is now. This is a curated list with some of our favourite valentines gift ideas...
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As the traditional damp and cold of a Scottish January starts to seep into the air, the house, the bones and the spirits there couldn't be a better time for some inner cheer in the form of a hearty pudding....
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